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For my current goals see my resume I guess?

Reading "circa 2000" now I laugh. That was ~shortly before I realized I didn't want my boss' job. My boss' job sucked. I wanted to build things and I was already at the pinnacle of building at that org. Everything "above me" was people management: Telling people to build, not building. Not mastering a trade/craft. I didn't, and don't, want to sit in meetings all day every day.

circa 2022

12 years later, nothing has changed. The same questions are still rattling around in my head.

circa 2010

Motivators: Mapping my Brain

I was trying to noodle through what I wanted to do with my working life and probable / potential incomes and helping people.

multi-bar chart roughly trying to break down my guesses regarding income vs. helping people, potential vs. probable, for 4 career paths

(Original 2010 post on

circa 2000

I have to admit I'm feeling more fulfilled now than I have been since my early college days. For me happiness lies in feeling that I'm getting the chance to prove myself in the areas I have skills in. Since I've spent the last 5+ years in the Information Technology business, my current top-priority life challenge is to prove to myself (and to anyone else who cares to watch) that I'm more than just a "wiz-kid" at a few computer gizmos here or there; that I have real leadership potential and can effectively organize and maintain a scope of technical resource beyond my own meager 40-60 hours of weekly manpower.

If I can thrive in this environment for 3-5 years it's off to some suit-and-tie VP position on my way to retiring as CIO somewhere. Things are looking pretty good. Wish me luck.

Statement of goals in in 2000.

circa 1998

Statement of goals in in 1998.