Nomadic Living (RV)
The year is 2016. Jay is in Omaha, NE falls and springs, and in the RV summers and winters.
Legal residency
- Nomad "in SD": snail mail, residency, vehicle registrations, titling, etc: Americas Mailbox
- SD vehicle registration / renewal
- North Sioux City, SD DMV
- Mail only, no SD:
- Tax implications
Don't miss
- Sean Baker says: Hugs Point near Arch Cape, Oregon.
- Ben Donohue says: Goldbug Hot Springs in Idaho.
Cool links
- Finding Marshall. I met him briefly in 2015, apparently. :)
- Non-Retired Younger Full-Time RVing Nomad Blogs
- Technomadia Travel Maps
- RV Park Reviews
- Sweth's Peregrinations
- Oregon ATV: Safety certificate, permits
- Owners Manual - RV w/ Robin Williams
- Butt stuff: Scott's Extra Soft - good biodegradable TP. And/or squirty options
Picking a trailer
My current truck is a small V8, only tows 7000 lbs. So unless I want to trade up to a $55K truck (or used variation thereof), 7k is my limit including 2 motorcycles.
30K new 7x20 all-aluminum trailer (no wood, no steel):
17K used 8.5x16 Jayco Octane Super Lite 161 (better wood)
11K 2016 Forest River RV Cherokee 17RP wood, steel trailer, but the under-bed construction terrifies my fat ass.
12K 7 year old ($30K?) 2008 Cargo Mate 8X22 sells for 11?
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God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater (Kurt Vonnegut)