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The other

First committed to version control in 2013, I'm fascinated when any group of people has a word that means "everyone else." So I've been collecting them. Additions welcome.

no cryptocurrency:  normie (ignorant)
                    nocoiner (aware rejection)
non-academia:       industry
non-Amish:          English
non-Catholic:       protestant
non-gun-owner:      sheeple
non-Jewish:         gentile, goy
non-LGBTQI:         cisgender
non-military:       civilian
non-Mormon:         gentile
non-Muslim:         infidel
non-Scientologist:  SP (suppressive person)

From fiction:
non-Grisha:         Otkazat'sya (Shadow & Bone)
non-wizard:         muggle (Harry Potter)
non-witch:          fain (Half Bad)