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Oldness confirmed

Someone, who I assume is younger than me (aren't you all), was complaining about a shitty bank loan and their ancient website sucking for auto-draft management.

"Why autodraft?" I asked. Just autopay from your not-shitty bank where your money is.

"They don't have the routing / account numbers stuff."

"? Just have your bank mail them a check every month then."

"You can do that?!? … It works! You're a goddamn genius!"

Nah. I'm just so old that when they added that feature 20 years ago it was exciting and new and now I expect it to exist.

As opposed to people who weren't mailing checks via USPS in the late 20th century so all of this makes no sense as an expectation.

I have ancient steam-punk magics lodged in my old brain.